In preparing for a spiritual voyage I decided to reflect on the story of Hannah, Elkanah and Peninnah 1 Samuel 1: 1- 20.
Elkanah loved Hannah his wife and gave her a double portion of offerings even though she didn’t have a child. But for the mockery of her adversary Peninnah, she probably won’t have bothered much about her childlessness. Her husband’s love was good but it would not have propelled her into greater realms of joy.
Peninnah was the one who did the magic! Her mockery was the fuel Hannah needed to storm heaven in desperation. Peninnah’s provocative disposition towards her moved her to ‘move the Lord’ to change His decision about her predicament.
But come to think about it, why on earth did the Lord ‘close’ her womb???
Well, I can’t say I know why but I do know that ADVERSITY propelled her into her place of joy and enlargement.
My charge to you my reader is that you stop wallowing in self-pity, turn that point of mockery into a reason to celebrate. God can’t do some things alone. He orchestrates our breakthroughs, may we be divinely sensitive to step into it.
Biby Yinkere.