Teachers play a vital role in the lives of our children who are born differently. An uninformed teacher is a disaster waiting to happen whereas a loving and informed teacher will draw out hidden potential from the learner. I pray for more educators like Mrs Jacobs
The days of hiding away our children or siblings with a disability are over!
Siblings Parents Teachers
I’m calling everyone out now!
Advocacy starts from your small corner to the ends of the earth. In order words, ‘think global but act local’. Remember, Scripture says, ‘He sent a word to Jacob and it lighteth up Israel’. We can’t afford to be silent advocates. With people like Abigail and a self advocate like Mimi, the discrimination of persons with disability with become old fashioned!
In managing my child I have to first manage myself! Special moms out there please do not loose grip of your sexuality and poise. Never see your child as a ‘problem’. Yes life happened but you must move on and positively too.
Now we know Down syndrome is one of the rare conditions that can be diagnosed from the point of pregnancy. This has led to several debates around the 🌎
In Ireland abortion of these pregnancies is highly recommended. Now we have literate adults with DS like Heidi (pls follow her on social media) making a strong case to end the abortion of such pregnancies.
That’s why I asked the question last night, if you knew you were carrying a special child would you have opted to keep the pregnancy?