Hello everyone,

From March 1st to March 21st, we’re raising our voices, sharing stories, and advocating for better support systems for people with Down syndrome.

This year’s World Down Syndrome Day (March 21st) theme is “Improve Our Support Systems”, and we’re dedicating 21 days to creating real impact.

We will be sharing educational posts, videos & testimonials, and success stories.

How Can You Get Involved?

1. Follow our daily posts from March 1st to 21st

2. Engage, comment, and share to spread awareness

3. Use the hashtags: #WDSD2025#ImproveOurSupportSystems#21DaysOfDSActivism#theengracedones

4. Tag friends, educators, and advocates to join the movement.

The change starts with us. 💛💙

Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024

Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024

Every year on December 3rd, we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD). This day reminds us to respect the abilities, rights, and contributions of people with disabilities around the world.  This year’s theme for International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD) is “Amplifying the Leadership of Persons with Disabilities for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future.”

At The Engraced Ones, it’s a chance to reflect on our work and renew our commitment to inclusion. We believe every person with a disability is unique and full of potential. We work to ensure they are included in schools, workplaces, and the community at large. For us, inclusion means creating opportunities where everyone can thrive.

How You Can Help

Inclusion isn’t just a one-day effort, it’s something we work on every day. Here are simple ways you too can make a difference:

Learn and Share: Educate yourself about disabilities and share what you learn with others.

Support Policies: Advocate for equal opportunities in schools, workplaces, and healthcare.

Celebrate Achievements: Recognize the talents and contributions of people with disabilities in your community.

We believe inclusion is everyone’s responsibility and hope we all can join hands together to create a world where every person, no matter their ability, feels valued and empowered.

Together, we can make a difference.

Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

September Training for Inclusion First Phase-Out PO’s

September Training for Inclusion First Phase-Out PO’s

Throwing it back to an inspiring week in September when The Engraced Ones were opportuned take part in training sessions in Abuja, for PO’s of the Inclusion First Phase-Out Project, organized by Liliane Fonds, through The Leprosy Mission Nigeria.

We focused on essential topics around safeguarding practices to keep our communities safe for children and youngsters with disabilities, empowering economic independence through cooperative groups, and strengthening financial management for sustainable impact.

Beyond the learning, it was an incredible chance to connect with experts and like-minded organizations committed to positive change. We left feeling inspired, equipped with new insights, and more motivated to make a meaningful difference for persons with special needs, their families, and the communities we support.

We are grateful to Liliane Fonds and The Leprosy Mission Nigeria for this experience.

#InclusionFirst #TheEngracedOnes #InspireInclusion #lilianefonds #theleprosymissionnigeria

Staff Resumption Training 2024/2025: Preparing for a New Academic Year

Staff Resumption Training 2024/2025: Preparing for a New Academic Year

As the 2024/2025 academic session kicked off, staff members from The Engraced Ones, School of Grace Learning and Vocational Center, and Gracelane Miracle Inclusive School convened for a lively two-day training session at the School of Grace Learning and Vocational Center, Kurudu, Abuja on September 2nd and 3rd, 2024. The purpose of this event was to improve educators’ capacity to serve students with all abilities and to provide them with solutions for the upcoming academic year.

The session began with introductions and an icebreaker to foster a sense of teamwork. Important seminars on assessment and evaluation, communication and interpersonal skills, mainstreaming in special education, and personal growth and development were led by facilitators. Participants exchanged ideas and made plans for the upcoming year during the group discussions.

Participants were better inspired and equipped to create a more inclusive learning environment by the end of the program, to enable them to satisfy every student’s requirement in the 2024–2025 school year.

The Engraced Ones

The Engraced Ones

We’re a team of parents, caregivers, educators and plain lovers of individuals with Developmental disabilities.

We’re neither attention seekers, noise makers, nor trouble makers.

We are a voice for the vulnerable.

On July 2024, we were prevented from using our voices to speak against the discrimination of persons with disability at the Eagle Square, Abuja, Nigeria. However, we were not deterred.

The programme was delayed, some intending participants missed the event but we still had our day. You can’t hide light under a bushel!

Relatives and friends of persons with Developmental Disability (DD), have the right to voice grievances and recommend change in policies and services without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.







The Engraced Ones in Pictures: Advocating for Cerebral Palsy Awareness

The Engraced Ones in Pictures: Advocating for Cerebral Palsy Awareness

In our latest blog post, we are excited to introduce “The Engraced Ones in Pictures,” a comprehensive PDF that showcases who we are and the impactful work we do. This document is a visual journey into our advocacy initiative, filled with empowering knowledge about cerebral palsy and captivating images from our advocacy campaigns.

If you’re curious about our mission and passionate about raising awareness for cerebral palsy, this is a must-read. To access the PDF and explore the powerful visuals that tell our story, click the link below.

Join us in our mission to make a difference and spread awareness. Download the PDF today and be a part of our journey!