April 16th- 7 Wonderful years of our existence as a community
Happy 7th Anniversary to Us!! We started as a bunch of un-schooled, unprepared and naive parents.
We didn’t have a budget, a plan or a strategy.
We had and still have GOD, FAITH and DOGGEDNESS.
7th Anniversary of the Engraced Ones means Alot to everyone of Us and as a community we want to say thank you and God bless everyone who has come through for us. Amen
The School of Grace is the Educational Arm of the Engraced Ones. It is a program for indigent children in the suburbs of Abuja and the neighboring Nasarawa State.
David and other special needs students at the School of Grace deserve the chance to fight for a better future. Your donation provides them with the opportunity to live a normal life.
David is a 6-year-old boy living with cerebral palsy. He is an only child and relies completely on his mother’s assistance, including when he needs to move from one place to another. Though he still has some milestones ahead of him, his level of self-awareness has increased since he became a student at the School of Grace.
The School of Grace is a learning and vocational center for people with special needs. The School of Grace was established for one core purpose. To help people with special needs achieve a better life, beyond what society could imagine for them before arriving at the School of Grace.
David was attending a different school for children with special needs, but no tangible improvement had been noticed in him. Thanks to the dedicated teachers and administrators available at the School of Grace, David’s education and general improvement have leaped in the right direction.
The impact the School of Grace is having on him is visible for everyone around to see. However, David – alongside the other amazing students of the School of Grace – is very much in need of your help. To help him and the other students get better, the School of Grace needs a full-time physiotherapist, speech therapist, and school nurse. A physiotherapist helps to improve their body posture and movement. This will positively impact the child’s physical, psychological, and social well-being.
A speech therapist will help improve their speech and communication skills. They will be able to express their needs, share their thoughts and interact with others better than they use to. Teachers at the School of Grace attest to how the speech and body posture of students improve in less than 4 weeks of the students having access to a physiotherapist and a speech therapist. With the help of therapists, the students not only get better in their educational pursuits, but they’re also able to develop vocational skills quickly.
You will find some wonderful vocational skills included in the School of Grace curriculum they include: – Photography and video coverage – Hairdressing – Shoe and bag making – Bead making and- Baking As students improve in their speech and body posture, their mental strength also improves. Because they learn faster by practicing what they’re been taught, they perform excellently when they acquire vocational skills.
The School of Grace will be able to tremendously improve the lives of the students with the help of the full-time physiotherapist, speech therapist, and school nurse. Join us in transforming their lives for the better. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Donation account details
Account Number- 5564940017
Account Name- The Engraced Ones
Bank- FCMB
Event: Monthly Prayer meeting of the Engraced Ones
Be a part of our monthly prayer meeting next week Saturday, 24th July 2021.
Prayer starts at exactly 10 am at the School of Grace Jikwoyi.
See the flyer above for more details.
Event: The Engraced Ones Monthly Training: July edition
The Engraced ones invites you to be a part of its monthly training to take place on 22nd July 2021 by 7 pm. The venue is its Facebook group, The Engraced Ones
Loyal Magnificient Compatriot Club of Nigeria Monthly Skill and Entrepreneurship Program
One of the things being a mom to an exceptional child has exposed me to is speaking platforms across various fields. It has strengthened and helped me build capacity in more ways than I could ever imagine.
My Advocacy has also introduced me to various amazing organizations and individuals amongst whom are the vibrant youths of Kurudu who are the champions of the Loyal Magnificent Compatriots Club of Nigeria.
The Club in spite of its low financial base has been able to build capacity in thousands of youths within its area of operation. It had also in the past supported children with disabilities. Now, this is super commendable!
Now to the business of the day! On Sunday, I’ll be speaking on ‘Integrity and the Entrepreneurs’ Sucess’.Integrity!!!The ability to do the right thing even no one is watching, to be positively different and stand out in life is engrained in this virtue ‘Integrity’.Let’s meet at the weekend to explore the place of integrity in entrepreneurship!