Throwing it back to an inspiring week in September when The Engraced Ones were opportuned take part in training sessions in Abuja, for PO’s of the Inclusion First Phase-Out Project, organized by Liliane Fonds, through The Leprosy Mission Nigeria.
We focused on essential topics around safeguarding practices to keep our communities safe for children and youngsters with disabilities, empowering economic independence through cooperative groups, and strengthening financial management for sustainable impact.
Beyond the learning, it was an incredible chance to connect with experts and like-minded organizations committed to positive change. We left feeling inspired, equipped with new insights, and more motivated to make a meaningful difference for persons with special needs, their families, and the communities we support.
We are grateful to Liliane Fonds and The Leprosy Mission Nigeria for this experience.
#InclusionFirst #TheEngracedOnes #InspireInclusion #lilianefonds #theleprosymissionnigeria