Can down syndrome be detected during pregnancy?

Down syndrome can be detected during pregnancy, especially the 11 and 13 weeks, with a first trimester ultrasound and blood test.

Women in the first trimester may take diagnostics tests like Chorionic villas sampling (CVS). Fluid in the area of the neck, which is often called ‘nuchal fold’, which is higher than the acceptable level, could be an indicator for DS.

There are debates about decisions potential parents should take when DS is suspected.

While some countries prefer to point people towards the option of abortion, others leave it open to concerned families to decide.

Let me place it on record that I didn’t get the chance to make a decision. If I had, even without knowing how wonderful my baby would turn out to be, the decision would have been in favour of life for the unborn child.

Heidi Crowter is a young lady actively advocating for the preservation of DS pregnancies. According to her, the discrimination of people with DS starts from the womb.






