How can I care for my child with Down Syndrome?

This is a question most new special parents ask. The first thing I’ll say is, learn about the condition! Knowledge demystifies things and provides solutions. Unfortunately, some parents just want schools or therapists to do some magic and change their child. Listen up, friends, special needs intervention is a PROCESS which we need to be part of.

Patience is another virtue we need when dealing with a child or adult with DS who may be a bit slower than others his age.

Communicate with your child using short and precise language.

Walk them through new experiences by demonstration not merely through instructions.

Practice following routines so they feel more settled.

Make personal notes of his or her progress and seek regular health care from qualified practitioners.

One care strategy we can’t not afford to toy with is early intervention. Sadly, poverty and difficulty in finding qualified help may make this difficult, but please, ensure you seek help for your child dear parents.

Treat them nicely and respectivefully.

Because DS may cause reduced immunity, older and younger people may need extra care to reduce exposure to colds and other infections.

Finally, acknowledge the fact that we do not know it all. Join support groups to gain strength and wisdom from like-mindedd people.





